
Current Graduate Students and PostDocs

Elyse Parker- phylogenetics and biomechanics of antarctic notothenioid fishes

Linnea Lungstrom- evolution of the venom delivery system in surgeonfishes

Olivia Guerra- vertebral structure and function in recent and fossil fishes

Current and Recent Undergraduate Students

Olivia Grobmyer- mechanics and behavior of goatfish barbels

Adera Craig- phylogenetics and biogeography of butterflyfishes

Hannah Aguinis- morphometrics and evolution of angelfishes

Isaac Krone- morphometrics and biomechanics of fish skulls

Mireille Farjo- morphometrics and evolution of surgeonfishes

Sofia Garrick- biomechanics and conservation biology of coral reef fishes

Theresa Tatum-Naecker- fish biogeography and sand-diving behavior

Hannah Weller- biomechanics and evolution in cichlid fishes

Past Grad Students, Postdocs, Staff

Samantha Gartner- biomechanics of feeding in fishes

Andrew George- biomechanics of fin locomotion in triggerfishes and filefishes

Chloe Nash- biogeography of reef fishes, behavior and evolution of goatfishes

Margaret Malone- ontogeny of feeding mechanics and behavior in fishes, UIC

Katie Whitlow- biomechanics and coordination of fish feeding and locomotion

Mike Alfaro- phylogenetics and biomechanics of fishes and snakes

Rick Blob- biomechanics and neural control of turtle locomotion

Jim Cooper- damselfish phylogeny and jaw mechanisms

Torsten Dikow- Biodiversity and evolution of ants, EOL postdoc

Joshus Drew- biodiversity and conservation of reef fishes

Jennifer Fessler- molecular phylogenetics of butterflyfishes and angelfishes

Justin Grubich- biomechanics and functional morphology of fish feeding

Jillian Henss- molecular phylogenetics of reef fishes

Jeff Janovetz- feeding mechanisms of piranhas and pacus

Joanna Mandecki- coordination of vision and pectoral fin locomotion in fishes

Charlene McCord- phylogenetics, morphometrics and biomechanics of triggerfishes

Aaron Olsen- morphometrics, biomechanics and evolution of feeding in birds

Aaron Rice- coordination of locomotor and cranial function during feeding

Lisa Rosenberger- biomechanics of locomotion in stingrays

Brian Sidlauskas- phylogenetics and morphometrics in neotropical fishes

Lydia Smith- molecular phylogenetics of reef fishes

Jake Socha- flying snakes and insect x-ray imaging

Tristan Stayton- morphometrics and biomechanics of lizard skulls

Jeff Walker- biomechanics of pectoral fin locomotion

Brad Wright- biomechanics of fin locomotion in triggerfishes